Sunday, June 10, 2012


Siiiigh... these goal lists... why do I even make them?

Because I'm Type A and love lists, even when they just highlight my lack of accomplishments. I prefer to think of them as motivation for reaching higher standards... yeah. That's it.

May June Sock Goals:
  • Maia socks (80% 85% done)
  • Gone Fishin' socks (DONE!)
  • Lunacy! socks (1% 25% done)
  • New Sock Design (0% 10% done)
As for my To-Do-Before-Going-Back-On-The-Boat-List, things didn't fare much better. I did manage to rewrite and update my Beribboned Wrists pattern, finish and publish my Fiasco sock pattern, work out (most of) the design for the next sock in my How I Met Your Mother series, and design/knit up most of the secret project I'd like to submit to Knit Picks. However, I'm not sure if I'll be able to finish that and submit it by the 14th, that depends a lot on how long my boat days are this week. As for the rest of the list (job/apartment hunting and planning camping trips)-- epic fail. For now, anyway.

Edited to remove excessive whine:
I'm getting a bit tired of this research boat, not going to lie. I think I've officially outgrown my capacity to be a research assistant. I need to be in charge, need to use the ol' noggin more rigorously. This puts me in a tough spot, though, because for most of the in-charge jobs you need a PhD, and for a PhD you need time and a willingness to be 1) broke and 2) all-consumed by your work for the next 5-6 years, and those are tough pills to swallow. All that said, I know I'm lucky to even have a job in this economy, plus this is the last round of sampling, so after the next few weeks it will just be 7 hour office days for the rest of the summer. The office days are pretty boring, but at least they're half as long.

Just keep swimming,amIright?

P.S. I added different pages to my blog in the tabs above. Now you can see my designs, my spinning in progress, my socks in progress, my other works in progress, and my finished socks on their own pages. Yay for procrastination through digital organization!


  1. Ahhh I'm sorry! I wish there was a way you could just go 'poof!' and be done with the PhD School. That's such a hard choice to have to make, and I know you won't take it lightly. Do what you need to do, but I will admit, sitting on a boat for 14 hours doing almost nothing does sound awful.

    1. Thanks for the sympathy. :) We're busy most of the time on the boat, but it's still pretty repetitive.

  2. I'm a list maker, too, -- always have been and always will be. Yes, keep swimming! Life is more interesting when we keep challening ourselves! Thanks for stopping by Project: Stash today. Lovely to meet you there!

    1. Thanks, and thanks for stopping by here! :)


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